Friday, October 28, 2011

Thoughts on Deep Rock

So, I've gotten the GM bug again. I haven't GM'd for quite a while, the last time being when I ran a Savage Worlds Conan game.

I have recently been toying with the idea of reviving an old concept I had called Deep Rock which was a campaign world I began developing a while back for a D&D 4th Edition campaign that I started running. I really only had some basic ideas for an underground civilization made up entirely by the unification of the short races (Gnomes, Dwarves, Goblins, Halflings and Kobolds). It was a pseudo Steam Punk world deep under the earth created after some great cataclysm.

That was about all I had for it and just wrote a couple of adventures for my gaming group based on a couple pages of notes I had written on the idea. It quickly ran out of gas and had nothing further prepared to move the game forward. The players loved the idea of playing character only from the five races listed above and they liked the general theme and feel of the world. They were pretty disappointed when I passed on the GM baton rather than try to wing an unprepared campaign. I was partially inspired by the movie Time Bandits, but also by the game reports of Philippe-Antoine Menard a.k.a The Chatty DM who posted some game reports in his game blog about a campaign that took place in a subterranean city surrounded by a massive dungeon.

I've decided that I would really like to flesh out Deep Rock and give it a lot more depth (pardon the pun) and fully develop it as a setting for 4th Edition D&D and hopefully run a full campaign there with my weekly gaming group. I will post my ideas and progress here on this blog along with the occasional tangent on my gaming exploits.

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